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The weekly question and answer format of this column has been suspended. Which keeps me pretty busy. Thanks also to the stability and ease of use of Windows 7, fewer questions are being asked that are of general interest. Those that are asked are most always repeats of previous questions that have been answered. This site will remain up with a full featured search. You assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or corre.
Final Entry on This Blog Site. Tuesday, August 2, 2011.
Sunday, April 22, 2012. Bishop Jenky of Peoria, Illinois has redesigned homily. His pulpit has been turned into a lectern. In a big nut shell, his complaint with Obama, embellished with a nonsensical and irrelevant comparison to Hitler and Stalin, revolves around the insurance coverage of contraceptives, making it sound as if the governmental mandate required all Catholics to use them. I wonder what Jenky thinks of the insurance coverage of AIDS victims? On music, cu.
Your age is somewhere around 18 to 35. If U just wanna play some, do tell me o. The other are assumed to be of the public domain. If, however, you own something that I have posted and would like it taken down, please contact me. To Tumblr, Love Pixel Union.
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